Middle-aged and between two major phases of her life, Jo West is a wife and mother who finds herself on a plane, halfway across the Atlantic. Around her, her fellow passengers all have their own lives, some real and some possibly in Jo's imagination. Where are they going, and why? What will they find when they get to America?
For Jo, it is an even bigger question. As the flight progresses, she has plenty of time to think about what she has left behind, and the reasons why she has suddenly chosen to pack a suitcase and leave her stable, secure life behind, to go in search of pastures new. Will there be anything on the other side for her? I wrote this book a little while ago. I've always been fascinated by aeroplanes, the potential to board in one country and disembark just a few hours later, on the other side of the world. I love the sense of being 'nowhere', while you're in the air, and the thrill of flying, something which just a century or so ago, was unheard of. I'm particularly interested n what my readers think of Mid-Atlantic's ending. Let me know? And don;t forget to leave a review on Amazon - it means a lot to me and my career as an independent author. |
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